Friday, April 8, 2011

SuckerPunch Archetype Analysis

          This movie trailer exhibits many archetypes. The first one I noticed was the colors. It is very dark and there is a lot of the color black. Which represents chaos, mystery,evil and death. This could be a representation of what the mian character is going through. At the begining of the trailer she talks about losing the people she loves, then she is put in a facility called the Lennox House that seems to be a psych ward for girls she is not happy to be there. She wants to be free, and she creates a alternate world that wil help her do this. In this world there is also a lot of darkness but there is lots of fire, which represents the ability to transform, love, life, health, control. These could be the things she is searching for in her life and this other world she transports herself into could be helping her find this.  It is explained that the main character has to go on a journey to find five items. She takes the role of the hero in this movie with what it seems to be a group of loyal retainers, who are other girls in the house. The main character can be described as a proto-feminist hero, she could also be a transcendent hero, who went through a tragedy who has to realize something about herself and change by going into this other world. She also seems to be a hero as a warrior trying to defeat the enemies that exhist in this world.
        She is going on a quest that she has to find five items as well as her own identity. These five items are symbolic archetypes that connect to her life in some way. The first one she has to find is a map, then fire, then a knife, then a key, and the last one is a mystery. The map could represent the journey she has to go on to find her freedom and identity, the fire represents the ability to transform herself and her life into how she wants it to be. The knife represents power and it is silver which represents wealth, which doesnt nessacarily mean money but it could be wealth in other things such as; knowledge happiness, friendship, love. The key could represent unlocking things she never knew before which could help her find what she is looking for by going on this journey. The last item is said to be a mystery which could represent the unknown of where she is going in life and what is going to happen to her. 
           Also she seems to have some guides that help her throughout her journey. One is a women who seems to be a teacher at the Lennox House that she is staying at. She is a mentor who gives her an idea to create her own alternate world that wil help her escape from this place that she does not belong in. Another one that she has is a man who is a part of her alternate world that seems to be fighting with her and gives her advice throughout the whole trailer. He could also be a mentor that serves as a father figure, since she does not seem to have one anymore. He could be the strange wise being as a mentor that the hero needs. The journey also could have the characteristics of the journey that she must go on a journey, learn a lesson, change in someway, and return home. We know that the hero is searching for freedom and her identity but we are not sure yet in what way she changes or if she returns home. It is a strong possibility.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Hangover

            This comedy film about a group of guys going to Las Vegas for a bachelor party holds many archetypes that makes a good story line. The heros of this movie are Doug's best friends Phil, Alan, and Stew. After getting into all kinds of trouble the night in Vegas they wake up with no memory of what happened. Soon they realize that Doug is missing and they must go on a journey to find him. Phil takes control of the situation and tries to do everything he can to remember what happen the night before.  They begin the "quest" for Doug. Overcoming the challenges of fixing the mistakes thay made the night before. They are hero's as warriors, on a journey to save his people, or in this case Doug.
           They go through the stages of the hero's journey. Stage one: realizing that Doug is missing and it is up to them to find him to get him home to the wedding. Stage two: They begin the journey when they realize they stole a cop car the night before and go to the hospital to find out some details from he doctor they visited the night before. Stage three: They enter the road of trials and have to overcome many obstacles and figure out clues about where Doug may be. Dealing with cops, unwanted mariages, getting beat up by Mike Tyson for stealing his tiger, getting beat up by someone they stole his money from. Having to find a way to get 80,000 dollars for getting their friend back from kidnappers, only to find out that it isnt the right one. Stage four: When they are at the end off all their ideas and can't think of anywhere else doug may be, the drug dealer that was the wrong doug says something that makes them remember what happened to Doug. Stage five: They get Doug and drive back to the wedding just in time.
           The hero's engage in tests or contests of strength mentally and physically in the third stage of the hero's journey. They are all a loyal band of companions, that help each other through the journey. One hero in particular, Stew, has a girlfreind who isn't the nicest to him but he loves her anyway, when they go to Vegas he learns a lesson about standing up foe himself and when he gets home he stands up to his girlfriend and breaks up with her. The characters in this movie are hunting groups of companions, they are willing to go through this journey to be together. They are loyal retainers, willing to protect each other through anything. The use of archetypes in this film makes it a good story.

You Again

       The movie You Again is a classic story about the head cheerleader who bullies the innocent nerd girl in high school. The main character, the nerd, tries to overcome this and after high school she becomes succesful and beautiful and she thinks her old life is behind her. This doesnt seem to be the case though when she finds out that the girl her brother is marrying is her mortal enemy form high school. We see many archetypes throughout this film. The proto-feminist hero takes the role of the sister of the brother that her bully is marrying. She is a hero as a warrior who must overcome the cruel challenges and the enemy of the head cheerleader. The head cheerleader is the evil figure with the ultimetly good heart. Her journey is to overtake the bully and show her brother the truth about who she really is. Her quest is for vengeance of all the mean and terrible things that she had to go through in high school which are now repeating now that she is back.
       She "engages in tests or contests of strength (physical and/or mental) and show pride in his or hers excellence." We see this when the two girls are trying to compete at everything, running, dancing, who is prettier. The sister can't take it anymore when the fiance continues to harass her behind her brothers and her families back. This is when she takes her plan of action. To show a video of the horrible things that the bully did to her in high school to everyone at the rehersal dinner to expose the secret. It is a battle between good and evil. After exposing her the brother gets angry with both of the girls and refuses to speak to either of them. The two girls engage in a "cat fight" and when the brother walks in on the fiance pouring a bowl of punch over top of the sisters head it seems the task is fullfilled fully in that the brother finally realizes that his fiance was not who she seemed to be.
       After running off, the characters regroup at the brothers families house. Where the sister finds the bully in a state of depression. They sit down to talk and this is when we see the bully find the good in her heart and she apologizes for all the mean things she has done. This is evidece of her being the evil character that has a good heart. The hero brings that out in her, but her journey is not finished yet, she must fix things with the brother and get the two back together so everyone can be happy. When she manages to achive this the couple gets married and the two girls become friends. This is when we see the journey ending and the task being completed.

Case 39

        The movie Case 39 is a thriller that has evidence of archetypes throughout it. The character of Emily, a social worker who deals with children, takes the role of the hero. When she is given a case about a little girl who is allegedly being mistreated by her parents, she immediatley starts watching the family. At first we think that Emily is the hero because she goes through the battle of good vs. evil while trying to save the little girl from the people we think are the devil figures of the movie, her parents.  When she recives a scared phone call from the little girl, she rushes over only to find them trying to kill her by putting her in the oven. When she calls the cops and they manage to save her and put the parents in jail, you would think that she was victorious. But truly her battle is just beggining.
        After when the little girl is left to social services, she begs for Emily to adopt her. When Emily gains custody of her, everything seems fine at first until the little girl threatens Emily's boyfriend. After her boyfriend dies a mysteriouds death, Emily starts to get suspicious of the little girl. This is when her journey begins. Emily is a proto-feminist hero, who is also a warrior who tries to overcome the terryfying things that are happening to her. She goes on a quest to save her people, her friends, because the little girl seems to be harming her friends. Emily also goes on a quest to rid the land of danger. After Emily visits the parents in jail she finds out that the child is a demon incarnate and when Emily saved her that night they were trying to kill her so she couldn't do anymore harm to people. This is when she realizes that she has a "task" to kill the devil figure, the little girl. After a battle between good and evil and many violent happenings. Emily finally had enough of the little girl controlling her and kills her by driving her car into the lake and drowing the demon. Emily manages to escape and her journey comes to an end and the task is fulfilled.

Toy Story 3

        The movie Toy Story 3 follows many archetypes. We see the character "Woody" the sheriff toy take the role of the hero in this journey. He takes the warriors journey to save his people. In this movie his people are the gang of toys that his owner Andy is to old to play with anymore. When the toys mistakenly get donated, it's up to Woody to help them escape the daycare that is run by an evil bear. Woody is the hero as a warrior that goes through many challenges and has to fight enemies. We see this when he has to devise a plan to help them escape and in this plan he must help all the toys as well as fighting off the evil toys that are trying to stop him.
        Throughout the movie we see Woody struggling for something valuable or important, which is getting home to his owner Andy before he goes to college. Andy is very important to Woody as they share a life long bond that he must save. The hero, Woody, also has a loyal band of companions, the group of toys he has been with for all of Andy's childhood till now. They are loyal to there "leader" and are willing to help him thorugh anything.
        The group of toys go through the classic battle between good and evil. They have to fight there way through the day care and its evil toys theat are trying to keep them there. When they finally triumph over the evil bear the toys return home safely. Only to realize there time with Andy is over and that he doesn't need them anymore which is when they decide to move on to a new child that will love amd play with them.
        The characters in this film all follow archetypes. Woody is the hero that must take care of his friends to bring them home safely. The group of toys as a whole can be described as the hunting group of companions. Who are loyal to Woody and each other and are willing to do anything to help. Buzz lightyear can be described as the loyal retainer, he is a noble and loyal sidekick to Woody, who protects him and the other toys. The friendly beasts of this movie are the slinky dog that sticks by Woody's side and helps him thorugh this perlious journey; as well as Rex, the t-rex toy that even though can be a wimp, is still loyal to Woody throughout the journey. The devil figure is represented by the evil teddy bear, Lotso, that wants to control eveything and doesn't want the toys to be loved by there owner since he was left by his. This is why he tries to do everything in his power to keep them there in misery.