Sunday, April 3, 2011

Case 39

        The movie Case 39 is a thriller that has evidence of archetypes throughout it. The character of Emily, a social worker who deals with children, takes the role of the hero. When she is given a case about a little girl who is allegedly being mistreated by her parents, she immediatley starts watching the family. At first we think that Emily is the hero because she goes through the battle of good vs. evil while trying to save the little girl from the people we think are the devil figures of the movie, her parents.  When she recives a scared phone call from the little girl, she rushes over only to find them trying to kill her by putting her in the oven. When she calls the cops and they manage to save her and put the parents in jail, you would think that she was victorious. But truly her battle is just beggining.
        After when the little girl is left to social services, she begs for Emily to adopt her. When Emily gains custody of her, everything seems fine at first until the little girl threatens Emily's boyfriend. After her boyfriend dies a mysteriouds death, Emily starts to get suspicious of the little girl. This is when her journey begins. Emily is a proto-feminist hero, who is also a warrior who tries to overcome the terryfying things that are happening to her. She goes on a quest to save her people, her friends, because the little girl seems to be harming her friends. Emily also goes on a quest to rid the land of danger. After Emily visits the parents in jail she finds out that the child is a demon incarnate and when Emily saved her that night they were trying to kill her so she couldn't do anymore harm to people. This is when she realizes that she has a "task" to kill the devil figure, the little girl. After a battle between good and evil and many violent happenings. Emily finally had enough of the little girl controlling her and kills her by driving her car into the lake and drowing the demon. Emily manages to escape and her journey comes to an end and the task is fulfilled.

1 comment:

  1. Great analysis and application of archetypes. Are there common archetypes among horror films?
